State Qualification Chart

Here is the chart of the number of participants it takes to qualify speakers to the NYSFL Championship.

At a regular tournament There must be at least 2 schools and 3 speakers in a category in order to have a half qual available.

Half Quals: 0
SpeakersNumber of Quals.
351 half qual
6102 half quals
11153 half quals
16204 half quals
21255 half quals
26306 half quals
31one half qual for every 10 speakers

After 30, the ratio changes to one half qual for every 10 speakers.

At the NYSFL-sponsored Regional Qualifier, up to 8 full qualifiers are awarded to speakers. The ratio is as follows:

Full Quals: 0
SpeakersNumber of Quals.
131 full qual
462 full quals
7103 full quals
11144 full quals
15205 full quals
21256 full quals
26307 full quals
31one full qual for every 10 speakers